Please choose your Yoga Pass carefully, the 20 lessons pass is suitable for participants who come regularly and partake in more than one class a week.
5- Lesson Card: Valid for 3 Months from date of purchase
10-Lesson Card: Valid for 3 Months from date of purchase
20- Lesson Card: Valid for 6 Months fro date of purchase
The validity period of the subscription begins on the purchase date and continues regardless of absences (e.g., holidays, no-
Please note that all passes are non-refundable, except in cases of long-term illness only with a valid medical attest.
All passes are non-transferable and can only be used when booking your classes online.
This voucher is only valid in combination with an online booking.
Block for 5 lessons
Can only be used when booking your yoga session online!
Can only be used when booking online.
Block card for 10 lessons
Block card for 20 lessons
Can only be used when booking your yoga session online!
Can only be used when booking your yoga session online!
Private lesson of 90 minutes
5 private lessons of 90 minutes
10 private lessons of 90 minutes
Please choose your Yoga Pass carefully, the 20 lessons pass is suitable for participants who come regularly and partake in more than one class a week.
5- Lesson Card: Valid for 3 Months from date of purchase
10-Lesson Card: Valid for 3 Months from date of purchase
20- Lesson Card: Valid for 6 Months fro date of purchase
The validity period of the subscription begins on the purchase date and continues regardless of absences (e.g., holidays, no-
Please note that all passes are non-refundable, except in cases of long-term illness only with a valid medical attest.
All passes are non-transferable and can only be used when booking your classes online.
This voucher is only valid in combination with an online booking.
Can only be used when booking your yoga session online!
Block for 5 lessons
Can only be used when booking online.
Block card for 10 lessons
Can only be used when booking your yoga session online!
Block card for 20 lessons
Can only be used when booking your yoga session online!
Private lesson of 90 minutes
5 private lessons of 90 minutes
10 private lessons of 90 minutes
Member of
Friends of Mehra Yoga
Kerstin Karuna Linnartz
Founder - be better UG
Iris Bärwind
Lillewind Photography+Blog
© 2025 by Mehra Yoga & BeMore!
Member of
Member of
Member of
Friends of Mehra Yoga
Kerstin Karuna Linnartz
Founder - be better UG
Iris Bärwind
Lillewind Photography+Blog